
Politics 'n' stuff.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

And more on the war on taro. 

Now, what I don't understand, after watching the Prez tonight, is this war on taro we're in the midst of fighting.

Shouldn't our military be in Hawaii instead of the Middle East? And wouldn't this war on taro piss off the Hawaiians, most of whom are now American citizens? And how many soldiers does it really take to defeat food plants anyway?
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The war on taro. 

So I was watching Dubya's little speech tonight, very moving.

You know who he reminded me of more than anything? John Gill, in the classic episode of Star Trek (The Original Series), Patterns of Force. John Gill, of course, was the Federation social scientist sent undercover to study the Zeon-Ekos war. Once he's there, he makes Ekos into a more productive society, and speaks to the people of Ekos - but only after he's been discovered and drugged. His speeches were slow and unfocused, irrelevant statements that didn't follow each other or make any sense; his eyes didn't make contact with the camera. Just like tonight.

We can always hope that James T. Kirk will rescue us from our own leader-automaton.
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Thursday, September 04, 2003

Antiabortion Militant Executed for Killings. 

Paul Hill, the so-called former minister who killed an abortion doctor and his bodyguard and yet called himself "pro-life" was executed this evening by lethal injection, a far more merciful end than he consigned his victims to.

He has the gall to believe that he'll be forgiven by God for his actions, of which he is proud. "I expect a great reward in heaven," he said. Where have we heard those words before? Oh, yes, that's right: From the lunatics who hijacked the planes that slammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I fully expect that they'll all be sharing the same eternal reward as well.
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