
Politics 'n' stuff.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Bush's trip to Great Britain. 

I remember the good old days when Nicholas von Hoffman was a columnist in the Washington Post. That probably dates me. But the good news for today is that he's still around and still writing. Here's a column on Dubya's trip to Great Britain that is published on The Smirking Chimp.

Key Quote: "No other world public figure rivals George W. Bush in low esteem. The man is despised everywhere. He is a universal hate object. You might think that distinction would have been conferred on Bush's friend, the thug-ugly Vladimir Putin, whose hands are red from his atrocities in Chechnya, but no, the globally reviled politician is the American president."
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Monday, December 08, 2003

Powerful advertisement. 

Hard-hitting, makes its point well. If only it were for a candidate with a chance of winning.
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